Adirondacks Late August

Met up with some guys from the group I research with in the Adirondacks, it’s a spot we’ve been to before, not my favorite either. It’s basically situated on a bug infested, stagnant pond, infested with everything that flies and bites, and with us going in August, the humidty level was through the roof. Weather wise the heat made things pretty gross. This was one of the first times that I treated clothes with bug repellant specifically for that prupose and for the most part it worked pretty well. The hammock was the only option for camping out due to the heat. The road in kept me from being able to drive in, so it was a half mile hike to the camp, and the road in was frankly rougher than I had remembered.

The first night was quiet as far as activity, but we did attempt to scout with a road patrol equipped with both night vision and FLIR, but you still need the creature toshow up, and that night, no dice. We scouted rodents like a champ, but that was about it. The major thing really memorable was a feeding frenzy of dragon flies, numbering almost 80, in the space over our fire pit, which eliminated any real mosquito presence. The next night after I had left to follow up on a witness report further south, there was supposedly a few wood knocks and a tree fall, but this is open to interpretation. Hot overnight, some maybe activity, another one for the inconclusive file.

The counterweight of having no activity is the enjoyment of backpacking though, which is to say this is one of the busier seasons I’ve had in a while so thats a good thing.

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