Research vs. the Community

Research vs. the Community

I think that there are times when these two things are blurred by some, as being the same thing when it pertains to the phenomenon of Sasquatch, but they are not. Research is the tedious part in some cases, doing the legwork of looking for likely areas of activity, and getting there, and lots of waiting and listening at times. Lots of times you won’t find a thing, but if the creature was easier to find then it wouldn’t be a mystery would it? Often when you find “something”, it’s not conclusive but there’s still the task of getting the evidence, doing it correctly and documenting it. It’s not especially glamorous but it’s the work that hopefully pushes the cause forward.

Then, there’s the mess we call the community. You have the hoaxers, the fringe folks that push the a paranormal view, those who are on the bandwagon because of the attention Cable has given the mystery, or those who are just ought to make a profit or become a celebrity. It’s getting worse, but it’s been around for years, these folks bickering, or competing or one upping each other. I’ve never gotten the perceived need for the competitive stance because it just doesn’t seem like it’s a competition. If the mystery gets solved it’s likely going to be a matter of blind luck by whoever happens to be in the right place at the right time.

The thing is if the mystery is going to be solved, one way or the other, it’s not likely that it will be as a result of the pursuit of celebrity, or profiteering, bickering and the like, in fact these things are potentially threats to a solution, there are motives to not solve the mystery, especially if one is seeking to exploit it. Nor is it a “belief” in the sense of the paranormal minded folks who at the extreme seem to want it to be a form a religiosity. In the end, the Creature either is or isn’t, if it is, it’s something in my opinion, corporeal, living, needs to eat, shit and reproduce, or it isn’t. And even then, then what was the collective symptom that made the mystery progress so far? That potentiality likely isn’t as popular as the pursuit of the creature but should be considered, otherwise I think a body, living or otherwise is going to be the solution’s requirement.

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